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Tetris - Block+

Description: Block+ is a mix of Tetris and Columns, or other brick games. You start with only 3 colors at level1, up to 6 colors at level12.

Instructions: The goal is to destroy all the blocks. For this you need to drop the blocks from above. If 4 blocks of the same color come together they explode. It's as simple as that ! When you finish a level you can access it directly next timE by using the "continue game" buton. 12 levels are to be done to finish the game GOOD LUCK!

down: drop blocks
fire: left mouse
left: move left
movement: mouse
right: move right
space: drop blocks



Το είναι ένα site που προσπαθεί να συγκεντρώσει τις πιο δημοφιλείς παραλλαγές του κλασικού παιχνιδιού tetris σε μία σελίδα. Τα παιχνίδια αυτά ανήκουν στους σεβαστούς προγραμματιστές που τα δημιούργησαν.

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